Meditation Downloads for You
Welcome to the perfect spot for finding some useful and free meditations.
To get here you've probably scanned a QR code and these meditations have been provided here to support you on your Earth Journey.
EnJoy and if you want to discover more then check out my range of meditations on the free app - Insight Timer.
Creativity & Confidence
Join me in an I AM meditation to enhance and grow your Creativity and Confidence.
While you relax and meditate on the statements a Solfeggio music track plays to assist in embedding these new vibrations into your reality.
Aiding in the loving release and liberation of guilt, subconscious fears, negative beliefs, and grief, providing a sense of security.
The vibrational energy of 396 Hz has been shown to help: Release deep-seated feelings of regret, blame, anxiety, or trauma that hold people back.
Magic Manifesting Meditation
I think one of the biggest secrets about manifesting is that Your Feelings are key. This meditation takes your valid, positive feelings and blends them into your vibration. You'll be able to come back to this meditation anytime you want to fine tune and clarify your own feelings towards that which you wish to manifest. Sending Big Love Bubbles.