Relax : Release : Transform
An 11 step series including audio and a journal workbook.
All for the amazing value of $33
Listen to Day 1
Day One - Dreaming and Knowing. This recording is here for you to experience the feel of this course and to ascertain if it's for You. Big Hugs.
Listen as Linda introduces this course to you.
Relax : Release : Transform
An eleven day course of understanding and intention bringing a new level of awareness Body Mind and Spirit.
Each day you’ll only need to find 16 minutes to inhale and enjoy the mini process and the information which will land in your heart library and work with you through the day or night, whenever you with to listen.
Relax – Dreaming and Knowing
Relax – Breathe & Balance
Relax – Mind and Soul
Release – Using your senses
Release – using your senses part 2
Release – Clear Your Thoughts
Release – for Clear Communication and Understanding
Transform – Intentional Change
Transform – Through Harmony
Transform – Heart Chakra Code
Wrap up – Meditation – Code
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EnJoy and thank you.
11 Days of Magic Inspired by Intentions
Installed inside your Heart Library
Incorporated in your New Energy Life
Inviting you to a new awareness experience involving an intentional walk through this 11 day series - Relax : Release : Transform.
With the title of Relax, Release and Transform you’ll find:
RELAX A greater understanding about How you choose to Relax
RELEASE Finding out how beneficial even the smallest Release can be
TRANSFORM Looking at how you can incorporate Transformational energies into your everyday world.
The learning inside this experience involves an 11 Day Personal Magic Container for greater awareness and more clarity
Working with an intuited collection of powerful Heart Code Activations
Engaging the Magic of the Ripple Effect with small steps of choosing
Unwrap this Relax : Release : Transform cycle over an 11 day period
Hold an awareness intention for the day
Feel empowered by what you discover
Offering ideas of the HOW and the WHY
So that you can perceive and choose your WHERE and WHAT
Trusting in your Inner Being for gentle solutions
And working closely with your Inner Being to neutralize or shine the new files planted inside your heart library.
Transformation through Choice, Gentleness and Flow
Day One - Relax – Dreaming and Knowing
We’ll be looking at areas and ways to Relax over these first three days.
Relax is a very important first step in any transformation as I can’t see any loving steps being made with your growth and awareness in a stressed space. Oh, steps will be made, but they may not be the ones you desire.
Day Two - Relax – Breathe and Balance
As the title says we’ll be working with life balance and breathing. Yes, your body breathes BUT when do you restrict the flow AND how does this affect you on your journey. Finishing with a Beautiful Heart Library Code to bed in our intentions.
Day Three - Relax – Mind and Soul
Relax Your Mind and Your Soul
Follow the growth curve that suits you, know yourself better each day.
What does this bring to mind? INTEND that you hold these thoughts in your heart library for easy access.
Day Four - Release – Using your senses Part 1
Our next four days are all about Releasing. The action of releasing something so that it can just BEE is a powerful step on your journey. When you hold the beautiful picture of happily walking your path then all releasing aligns with Love and Shine and Joy. In this session we’ll look at how using your senses intentionally assists in aligning you with your journey.
Day Five - Release – using your senses part 2
Growing into the knowledge of HOW your senses guide your life and how YOU can utilise your senses to intentionally move forward to Your New Next.
Day Six - Release – Clear Your Thoughts
Clear Your Thoughts - Improve Connection
Clear my thoughts, she says. Huh. Chance would be a fine thing.
How many ways have you tried to divert your brain when it’s on one of its circles of thinking? Well, I have a truly simple solution and one that you can take into your every day.
Day Seven - Release – for Clear Communication and Understanding
Today we’ll be working on intentionally allowing your cells to communicate health and abundance. This then brings transformation through from that cellular level.
Communicating with Your Cells, With Your desires and With other humans.
How do you communicate? How best do you understand? How do you filter? How can you know yourself better?
Day Eight - Transform – Intentional Change
The act of transforming is unique and personal to each being and while you can get ideas of the HOW, the WHY; the WHERE and the WHAT is all yours to choose.
INTENTIONAL CHANGE This is how you make the transformation yours – your journey – your life here on Earth
Day Nine - Transform – Through Harmony
With all of the sifting and sorting we’ve done so far, we’re going to stop and breathe for a while here with the intention to Harmonize our knowledge and our Whole Being. Using the powerful Brain File Clearing meditation process and our Heart Library Codes we’ll bed in some of the changes and let them flow in our world.
Day Ten - Transform – With Your Heart Chakra
Together we’ll take a mind walk - Harmonising your Heart Chakra, Your Heart Library and your Source to Earth connection. Aligning and Smoothing and Harmonizing
Day Eleven - Wrap up – Meditation – Code
In this, our last day, we’ll be magically transported into our Sacred Crystal Space for a Soul Refresh. Letting go of what is no longer needed and allowing in that which will assist in our journey.
I look forward to sharing this information with you and am honored to have you in my world.
Blessings, LINDA