Are you being heard? Are YOU listening?
Today we’re going to chat about how to listen to yourself first, working towards KNOWING that you will be always heard.
Recently I’ve had my attention drawn to the fact that many of us humans feel as if we’re not being heard.
In our own relationships, friend or significant other, there may be a big heap of love and yet we still may not feel heard.
I had a think about How can this be solved?
My first solution is that I should hear myself.
This is all part of neutralizing that brain chatter too, probably.
I had a great conversation with a bestie recently where I really heard what she was saying, and I REALLY wanted the time span to slow down so that we could delve deeper.
This is a result of my ‘looking’ at how I feel I’m not being heard and then deciding to hear myself first, deciding to hear others, filtering my inner voice AND who I want to hear from and neutralizing others.
Are you being heard by YOU or is everything you say focused on the stuff outside of You
By this I mean the planning of the Next – the next family happening, the next course, promotion, idea, happening?
Listen to YOU first. Hear what you’re saying when you think others aren’t hearing you. Feel into why you’re in the I’m Not Being Heard stance.
Then Speak into what’s important
Is the subject matter important to You?
If so then spend some time bathing in that importance, let it wash over you and act on what your inner guidance says on that topic.
Once you’ve deeply soaked yourself in the subject then feel into whether you need to speak about if outside of you.
If so, then feel into it again to really suss out the HOW. How is someone going to hear what you are sharing.
How are they going to receive it helpfully?
And, you know what, some people just won’t hear you on a particular subject. And that’s fine.
The main focus of our time together today is that You see where even You aren’t listening to You. Once you fine tune that status the clarity that arrives is truly divine.
YouTube Video with the Assisting Frequency Activation
To assist you in this process, I’ve intuited an Anahata Code for you to activate. It’s the code of 852hz a Solfeggio Frequency – assisting your heart library information.
This Solfeggio Frequency of 852hz can be used as a means of awakening your inner strength and self realization.
My You Tube Channel is called Linda Simpson-Heartisan and this link will take you straight to the latest video with the Solfeggio Frequency activation.
Wishing you an awesome day with many Joyful moments.
Sending YOU Love Bubbles out over the airwaves. Bye for now.
